Today was one of those Saturday’s that is set aside to be with God and God alone. Aside from a couple messages and a quick trip to the drug store, I have hunkered in and just immersed myself in Him.
It began with one of my favorite books of all times, one that I have read and re-read multiple times, “No Wonder They Call Him the Savior” by Max Lucado. It’s a small book and in my planning of this day I thought I’ll finish it Saturday morning yet the Lord had a different plan. After one short chapter, He got me stuck on two words. "He understands". Those two words grabbed me and have stuck with me and moved around in me most of this day. He understands.
I so love that Jesus came to earth and walked among us because by that we know that He does indeed understand what we go through in life…the saying of goodbyes, the struggles, the temptations, the being misunderstood, the pain…He experienced it all. He understands.
The next portion of the morning moved me to 1 Samuel 1-3, I have this great study tool that Pastor Chuck referred us to “Halley’s Bible Handbook”. So I read the scripture and turn to the section in the Halley’s that go with them and am amazed and get so excited to find that the cities of Samuel were key in others of the Bible lives, Bethel, where Jacob saw the heavenly ladder, Gilgal where the Israelites crossed the Jordan into the Promised Land, Mizpah the gathering place of the tribes during Samuel’s time, Ramah where he was born and buried. An “oral prophet” Samuel the organizer; as I began to read the Halley’s I was a bit confused but I hung in there and by the end of the study I was so thrilled by His word and how I understood something new to me. How it was all clicking.
Next was my normal devotion time and read words so overwhelmingly wonderful: James 1:17-18, “Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. He chose to give birth to us by giving us His true word. And we, out of all creation, become his prized possession”.
Out of ALL creation, we’re His prized possession. God who created it all! I learned later in the day that there are 80 billion different galaxies, out of all those galaxies, those planets, stars, out of all the animals, plant life, mountains, oceans, WE are his prized possession.
A lovely walk, a little Christian music, hours with the One who understands me, the One who helps me understand, the One that considers me a prized possession.
That’s a day with God.
Amazing. Beautifully amazing.